Sunday, December 4, 2016

To My Favorite ONE Year Old

Sweet Leah,

We made it to one!  Hurray for both of us!  This year has been special and wonderful, as well as exhausting and challenging.  From the moment you came into the world, I knew for sure you were meant to be in our family.  And I've been reminded of that over and over again as you've filled each one of us with love and happiness throughout the year.  So, thankfully as I look back, the memories of exhaustion and frustration kind of fade away and thoughts of you smiling, laughing, hugging, and growing fill my mind.

You are filled with love.  You will hug just about anybody who has open arms, although you save your very best hugs for Daddy.  It never gets old to see your arms stretch wide and your legs kick with excitement when you're giving Daddy hugs.  The rest of us get pretty spoiled with love too.  As you've grown and become more interactive your brothers have responded to your hugs with loving you right back.

You are determined and curious.   Up until a month ago that even meant you were determined to not sleep through the night.  But maybe you realized that with a birthday right around the corner, it was time to start acting like a big girl.  The last few months I've tried to keep you out of the trash cans, away from the toilet, and retrieved you numerous times after falling into the laundry basket.  You just like to explore and investigate right now, far more than playing with toys.

You are social.  Being with friends and family definitely suits your personality.  You are willing and usually eager to be with new people, whether it's at church or a play date with your brothers.

This year I had to focus only on what mattered most, because that's all I had energy for most of the time.  And although a lot of things didn't get done, it felt so good to give all of myself to Dad, Noah, Luke and you. You are a blessing, and because of you I slowed down and focused on our family with real intent.  This is a year I will remember forever.

Happy birthday to my last baby.  You bring such sunshine into our family, and I can't wait to see what another year of life with you is like!


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