Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Party with My Partner

Last year I missed the BFBA Christmas party because Leah wasn't even two weeks old.  Nate came home from it and said, "I'm really hate to say this, but I think it was the most fun one yet."  Great.  While snuggling my new baby was definitely something special, I couldn't help but look ahead to 365ish days down the road then I'd be partying too. 

I sure love that at least once a year I get to dress a little fancy.  I rented my first Rent the Runway dress and just felt pretty.  Mostly though, I loved standing by my handsome husband for the night. 
This year was extra special because it was announced that Nate has been promoted to partner at the firm.  It's a huge blessing for our family and accomplishment for Nate. I'm so proud of how hard we've both worked to make it happen.  Years ago we started having conversations about what it would take from both of us to get to this place.  It's meant years of long, exhausting hours for both of us.  There's been so much alone time: me at home with the kids and Nate in his office or on the road traveling. 

Nate is steady and hard working, and I love him immensely for both of those things.  He does his job and works his heart out, so I can do mine.  And I work incredibly hard to keep his load as light as possible so that he can, in turn, work and provide.  It's not a perfect cycle, but we sure work hard for each other and our family.

There's lots to learn and lots more 'alone' time ahead, but it sure is an exciting time for our family!  Well done Nate!

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