Tuesday, November 4, 2014


 I'm not sure we'll ever top this year's Halloween cuteness:

I have to sneak a picture in of my girl Kate right about now.  Oh, that smile!
The boys both loved their costumes (I did too!) and just lit up with excitement every time we put them on. 

And put them on we did.  I think we had five Halloween celebrations to attend, so these costumes definitely got put to good use.  Noah the Baker and Luke the Chocolate Chip Cookie won best costume at the Tanner's Halloween party. 

Noah was really excited to wear his costume at Joy School.  
The kids did a costume parade, sang the moms some super cute Halloween songs, and then served us cookies they had made before we arrived. I love, LOVE Joy School.

Halloween night was a little rainy, but that didn't keep us from having a lot of fun.  Our friends, family, and a few neighbors came over for dinner.  I loved seeing our house alive with friendship, excitement, and happiness. 
The kids loved trick or treating. Luke kept saying, "More can-nee! More can-nee!" I can't wait to see Kate walking around with my boys next year.
I wasn't much of a Halloween girl before we had kids, but these little boys have me already thinking about next year.  I love the traditions we're establishing and the memories we make on a day like Halloween.

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