We had some time before dinner so we walked around Pier 39 and, our personal favorite, the Ferry Building. I just love window shopping for gourmet food. They have a whole store there selling mushrooms. -- $100 mushrooms! Incredible. When we go there I always lose Nate at the Cowgirl Creamery shop. After his wife, cheese might possibly be his second love. In fact, after this trip, he's decided that since we're not wine connoisseurs, we're going to learn to appreciate and sample fine cheeses. Fine with me. We ended up bringing some cave aged Swiss Gruyere home with us and, well, two years of sitting in a cave must do the trick, because that stuff is really good.
Nate first fell in love with Houston's when he lived in San Jose. He and his friends would drive into the city at ridiculously late hours for Houston's. At some point before I came into the picture, Nate's parents met up with him and tried (and loved) Houston's too. My first Houston's experience was with Nate, but I was already sold because I had become a huge fan of the Rutherford Grill, near Napa, years before. They are owned by the same group and both have the most amazing ribs. Mmmmm...the ribs. That's what the men ordered and Shauna and I had fish. But, lots of sampling and sharing went on for sure. We topped of the meal with the five nut brownie sundae. Again, delicious.
More than anything it was just nice to get out of our usual, busy routines and out of town, even for a few hours. This time of year gets pretty crazy sometimes. Thanks to our two family accountants for getting to work very early on a Saturday so we could get away and have some fun in the city.
Houston's (sigh). We love that place too. SF, we love it there too!!! So lucky to live so close.
Okay, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. We'll have to make a trip sometime. So sad we missed you in SF last weekend.
How fun! The picture of the bridge and city is amazing. If Nate took that tell him I am really impressed. Glad you guys had a good time. I love good food and I've never been to Houstons. We'll have to give it a try.
I want to go to the Rutherford Grill again with you. Of course if we could fit in some spa treatments and outlet shopping that would be great too! Miss you!
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