Saturday, February 14, 2009

What's your love?

So, today instead of writing some sappy entry about loving Nate (which of course I do, but I’ve teamed up with Hallmark and it’s taken care of), I thought instead I’d share a few of my other ‘loves’ that also, right along with my sweet husband, make life happy, easier or just more fun:

* Google Reader. This is my newest love. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s changed my life, or at least the way I read blogs on the internet. No more mindless Internet surfing (well, that’s not entirely true) to check up on your blogs to see if there’s an update. Google Reader tells me!
* Breville Juice Fountain. Don’t you just love the name? This was actually one of Martha Stewart’s ‘Must Haves’ a few weeks ago, but, I’m one step ahead of you Martha -- I’ve had it for years. Just the other day I made apple/orange/carrot/lemon/pear juice. YUM!
* TABACON. Go there. At least once in your life. I’m hoping for another visit, even if it’s after I’m officially old and gray.
* Gap’s Essential Perfect Pants. The name pretty much sums it up. If I could wear these every day I would. I love, LOVE them! The perfect combination of comfort, sporty and fashionable – if you consider yoga pants fashionable at all.
*The Women’s Murder Club books by James Patterson. There was a show on ABC based on these books last season starring Angie Harmon that fell victim to that nasty writer’s strike. I discovered the books over the summer and they’re a fun (if you call solving murders fun I guess), fairly quick read. I just finished 7th Heaven, Patterson’s latest in the series last night!
* Fresh baked bread with honey. Who says you can’t live on bread alone? My mom made all, and I mean ALL, of our bread growing up so this is a long time love of mine. The smell, heat of the bread and sweetness of the honey are a heavenly combination and perfect comfort food. And, now that I'm over my fear of killing yeast, I think I like making bread too. Bread alone (well, with honey) is fine with me!
* You Need A Budget. I resisted it at first, but I LOVE this budgeting program. You can create all kinds of categories and assign your dollars wherever you want (as long as you HAVE the dollars, that is). Want to start saving for Christmas so December’s finances aren’t such a train wreck? Well, put aside a little of your income each month into that category. The program tracks it. I know, lots of programs do that. So, the BEST part is that it’s based on living off the previous month’s income. That way you’re no longer living month to month (if you currently are). You’ve always got a month’s income set aside. Oh, and it was created by a BYU accounting grad.
* Health Insurance. Thank you PacifiCare.
*Eat This Not That. I saw this little book at Costco, and I’m so glad I bought it. It gives you all kinds of information about what to eat (that’s the ‘Eat This’ part obviously) and what to avoid at pretty much every restaurant. Here’s an example: Did you know at Chipotle, you can cut 570 calories out of your Chicken Burrito just by ordering it as a bowl (without the tortilla) and asking them to hold the rice?
Might I also recommend Eat This Not That For Kids and Eat This Not That Supermarket Survival Guide?
* Ironed clothes. Let me be clear. I don't love the act of ironing, at all, but the finished prodct is another matter. I have a huge disdain for wrinkled clothes, especially men’s dress shirts. But sometimes the starch I use to get those nice creases really makes my iron gross. Thank goodness for Faultless Hot Iron Cleaner. This stuff cleans all of that ‘drag’ off, and my iron is like new every time -- ready for ironing more shirts! I can only find it at Bed Bath & Beyond, but that’s good enough.

I'm always looking to add a new love! If you've got one...don't be shy. Share!


Boyd Family said...

One of my loves is reading your blog. I hope you had a fabulous birthday. I'm sorry I didn't email you earlier with heartfelt wishes, but I was a way super sick mama who overdosed on benedryl just so I could go to church and be the music sub in primary and then found out that my hubby had invited to lonely guys (here for training) for dinner. I had actually thought about you many many times, but I didn't ever get myself into the office to let you know. I hope it was great!
Love you,

Patti said...

i have not been to anyones blogs for so long,I got addicted to facebook and have a hard time staying away. also Chad and I made a trip out to Sacramento for 10 days to get some dental work done. Mandi's husband is a full fledge dentist now practicing in Lincoln and Fair Oaks. So it was a nice trip but cold while we were there. Chad had to get his dental work done before going into the Coast Guard on the 23 of March. I am having a hard time with that choice. any way hope you both had great birthdays and always happy to see all the posts.