Friday, June 6, 2014

My Readers

Sometimes something is happening and you have to quickly grab the camera, forget about the perfect settings and just capture a moment.  This morning was one of those times.

I was busy in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast when I looked over and saw these boys reading side by side.  Oh, it made my teacher/mama heart SO happy!
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2014 &emdash;
Noah has been a book lover since he could crawl.  Earlier this morning, when I got home from the gym, he and Nate were finishing Noah's first 'chapter' book, Nate the Great.  He loved it.  It's a pretty simple start, but not bad for a three year old. And his reading comprehension (there's the teacher in me coming out) is pretty good too.   We're both excited that he wants to read another one tomorrow.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2014 &emdash;
In the past six months or so Luke has really become a book guy too.  It has taken a bit more of a deliberate, persistent effort on my part, but Luke definitely loves his books. Lately he'll go for any train book we can get our hands on, but he'll settle for a Donald Crews or construction book too.  Thank goodness for the library.  I love watching Luke self select books and look on his own.  Part of that is thanks to Noah.  Luke wants to be like his big brother in every way, including reading.  It was a good day for him when he could crawl up on the couch and read like Noah does.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2014 &emdash;
I have seen Noah's vocabulary and imagination stretch and grow in remarkable ways thanks to all of the reading that goes on around here.  I can't wait to see Luke do the same.  We sure love our books!

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