Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Museum Pictures

This truck was a part of the children's exhibit so that the kids could load up the back with items and then 'drive' it to do service for other people.

Noah waited patiently for a turn, and after enough other kids cleared out I put Luke in too.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;
This first one is the story of my photo documenting life when it comes to our kids.  How old will they be when they both finally look at the camera???
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;
And the rest are just kind of cute.  I love how Luke is holding on to the steering wheel, looking much older than the ten month old that he is in the picture.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

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