Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fairytale Town

Every time we go to the zoo with Amy and Mads the boys look over longingly at Fairytale Town and ask to go.  So, today we decided to grant their wish.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

These boys have perfected the act of NOT looking at the camera.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;
And they think it's so funny.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

There are lots of slides at Fairytale Town.  We started with the old woman who lived in a shoe.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

It was a pretty big ladder climb going up, but both boys handled it great.

Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

Mads had a hard time believing us when we told him the steep slide was actually painfully slow, but he went down eventually.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

We walked the crooked mile, and then explored Owl's house.  Both boys needed a little convincing that this slide was going to be a good time...and was also much slower than it looked.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

And then it was off to more slides!
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;

Wherever they went, these two bundles of energy were laughing and smiling.  They are so good at including each other.
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;
  Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;  
 Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;
Nate Boyce: ND Boyce 2013 &emdash;
Fairytale Town was fun, but I think both boys prefer the zoo.  As we left they were definitely unhappy that we weren't crossing the street to go see the animals. Next time boys!


Julie Seabury said...

They are so stinkin cute! I love that the slide at Fairy Tale Town are the same ones I went down as a kid. :)

allison nadauld said...

I want to go there. So cute!