Monday, December 7, 2009

Hello Snow!

For our friends in colder climates, I know this is not impressive in the least. But when you're living in 'sunny' California, snow is definitely a rarity.
Look what we woke up to this morning!

I loved seeing all of the cars on our street covered in a nice, thin blanket of snow on my way to the gym. I miss Utah winters. In college the first snow (and second and third...) always made me just a little happier -- except not so much when I was walking up that horrible hill south of campus just praying I wouldn't slip. But other than that, I'd be pretty content to live in the white stuff.

Looks like our attempt for a white Christmas came a little early!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Crazy weather, I think it snowed everywhere last week. When California and Houston, TX get flurries, that's amazing! We got several inches over the weekend and loved it!