Saturday, April 11, 2009

'Hoppy' Easter!

Easter might not be the most festive holiday, but I'm now convinced it's definitely the cutest! Bunnies and baby chicks and colored practically screams cute. Just when I thought I had finished Easter's sweet treats, I put my beloved Kitchenaid to work one more time and came out with these:

Cute, right? Just like the rest of Easter. It was definitely more time consuming than the cupcakes, but, actually, pretty relaxing. I'm no pro. In fact I've never made bunnies before, but maybe if I really do lose my job I'll take up cookie decorating. Not quite as lucrative, but creative and fun for sure!

So now that I've got all of the 'Hallmark' parts of Easter taken care of, tomorrow we'll focus on the real reason to celebrate this day. I think we'll start with a message by Jeffrey R. Holland.

* And, of course, if you want the recipe for my new favorite sugar cookies go HERE. *


Boyce said...

As the recipient of one of these darling treats I might add that not only are they cute but they are yummy too. Thanks Dianna. You and your kitchenaide are amazing.

allison nadauld said...

Happy Easter Dine! I'm not surprised at how incredibly cute and scrumptious those cookies look.