Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A good reminder

I promise not to turn the Boyce blog into Mrs. Boyce, the teacher's blog, but I had a great moment with my kids today. Actually, I think I have great moments more than I realize. I just forget them in my fog of tiredness by the end of the day.
We were beginning to read a new story together today, and I said that this story was one of my favorites. One of my kids said, "You always say that." It's true, I do, but I have my reasons: #1 Most of my kids are so enamored by their young, fun teacher that pretty much they like whatever I do. If it's my favorite story, heck, maybe they'll want to read it too. #2, I explained that I love illustrated stories so much because the pictures are so different from book to book and, the bottom line is that I'm just jealous and a bit bummed that I didn't get into the drawing and painting line when talents were being passed out before I came to Earth. I guess I didn't say it quite like that, but it was pretty close.
One of my sweet little girls, in her Armenian accent raised her hand and said, "But you have something they don't have. You have a great husband and a great class."
Where did that come from? Thanks to a simple comment by an eight year old, I was reminded that I really am blessed in more ways that I can begin to count, even though I'm a lousy artist. (Does good handwriting count as art?) I do have a great husband and this is the best class I've ever taught. They are a joy every day (well, almost!). I think I also was reminded that I talk about Mr. Boyce more than I realize! :-)

1 comment:

Anniebanannie said...

I remember when I got married when I was teaching and all of the little girls loved Joey. One in particular had a huge crush on him. She blushed whenever I would say anything about him. Very cute...