Saturday, November 17, 2007

One Year Later...

Today is our first anniversary. I can't believe it! Part of me is amazed at how quickly time has gone, and another part of me feels like we've been married for a lot longer than just a year. In fact at almost this exact time a year ago I was walking into the temple. The men at the desk looked at my recommend and said, "Boyce, huh? How did you manage to snag a Boyce?" Nate hates that story, but I love it, because it just shows what a great guy (and husband!) he is. Of course, I reminded those nice gentlemen that Nate was pretty lucky too.

I keep reflecting back on that day (hey, I only get a first anniversary once, so if I ramble, just be patient with me!) and remembering the feeling I had when we walked into the sealing room. I have never felt feelings of love just flooding a room like I did then. To our family and dear friends, I'll never be able to thank you enough just for being there. You are part of the most special memories I have of that day. Looking around that room just took my breath away, and I'm so grateful that we were able to share it with so many.
The past year has been awesome. People say that the first year can be so hard. I guess it can be, but we've really found that with patience, determination and love everything, even the really hard things, can and do strengthen our relationship. I'm grateful for the big things that marriage has brought us, like always having my best friend around and experiencing first hand the daily blessings of being sealed in the temple, but also for little things, like eating and making dinner together, walks on the bike trail and Nate watching an occasional episode of Oprah with me, even if he'd rather be watching The Office. Of course, I only pick ones I know he'll like! In fact we were watching it a few weeks ago when Jerry Seinfeld was on promoting Bee Movie. I loved his comments about his marriage and how it takes work to make it successful. He said, "People are lazy and I'm tired of it. Everything's work. There's nothing wrong with work." I agree. Work translates into love, and I feel so blessed that Nate and I both were taught to work hard in everything we do, including our marriage.
So, here's to a great first year. Maybe we'll thaw out the top of our cake that my mom has so graciously stored in her freezer for 365 days. I can't wait to see what adventures we'll find in year two! Nate, you're the best!