Saturday, June 26, 2010

A few more details...

Not that there's whole lot more to share, but yes, we are expecting a baby.

So far, every indication is that this little one (yes, just one...thank goodness) is healthy, active and growing. Privately, we've been cautiously excited--definitely with a greater emphasis on the cautious part.

Since one of my talents is not being pregnant or staying pregnant we've had lots of ultrasounds. It's been fun (and definitely reassuring!) to check in on the baby pretty regularly and watch it grow from the time that it was just a flicker on the screen.

Now that things are this far along we're trying to lessen the anxiety a bit and just be happy that this sweet miracle will be joining our family.

Our little kicker is expected to arrive sometime around December 16...or a little before, if I'm lucky!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010


At 12:55 today I finished my tenth year of teaching.

Don't start thinking I'm anything special though because my mom just finished up year thirty eight.

THAT'S impressive.

But either way, I'm so happy to officially welcome summer. Thanks to the horrible economy and a district that thinks it's broke, I didn't even have the option of teaching summer school. It was eliminated for this year. Perfect.

I arrived home tired and dirty to a husband who had left work a little early and had these lovelies to welcome me home on the last day:
So unexpected and SO appreciated.

Year ten has definitely had it's challenges and exhausting days. I never could have gotten through it without the support of the flower-giver, family and good friends.

Bring on summer!